A child’s innocence starts as soon as a child is born into a new life, and later as the child grows up with time it starts to understand the meaning of love and trust, and these two emotions (Love & Trust) can shatter a child’s heart and mind if the child is being abused.


Child Abuse is a terrible disease and a disgusting crime against a child who is like a rose petal, if touched roughly falls down.


The first connection in the life of a child is the parents, as with them a child feels safe and sound, and later through this connection the child is introduced to his/her siblings, relatives, friends, and all those who become part of the child life, for a long or short period.


However, if any of this connection betrays the child’s trust and love by abusing him/her mentally and physically then it would be like a poison web surrounding the child, and sometimes the web is so strong and unbreakable that it stays forever in the memory of the child even when he/she grows up.


Teaching your child about ‘Good Touch and Bad Touch’ is the right thing to do, warning your child about not talking or going out with strangers is another good way to beware your child. 


But in some cases, the child suffers abuse from someone he/she knew very well, someone who he/she loved and felt safe with and now is being destroyed by the same ones.


Therefore, as human beings, we all should take responsibility whenever we hear or know about a child being abused and do our level best to stop the disgusting crime from happening to the innocent child before it is too late!


After all, nothing is impossible if we set our hearts and minds to doing something.


Today, money has become an important factor for us. No matter, how much we earn, we still urge for more. Money has become the second oxygen for us and as long as money is not controlling you there’s no harm in making money, when you're busy making money, you should also know the whereabouts of your loved ones, especially if both the parents are working then it is necessary to make sure that your child is left in better hands.


In today’s era, wage earners have become a must, to lead a better life, support their families and give the best to their children. There is nothing wrong with being known as a wage earner. But make sure that when you go out to work and for the betterment of your children, you're leaving your child with someone trustworthy.


Just dropping your child at a daycare centre, or leaving your child with a babysitter, doesn’t end your parent’s duty. You need to make sure that your child is safe with the people who you trust, and they won’t break your trust. 


Today, the joint-family system is almost dead. We are all living our own, lives, even when we are living under one roof. Nevertheless, we are so far away, we are human robots, and our actions are turning into robots, due to our busy lives and our passion to run ahead of time. 


But even in your rush hours of life, remove some time to talk with your child, and make your child feel that there are no secrets between them and your child can share anything with you without feeling scared and ashamed.


In many cases the parents turn out to be judgemental and don’t even trust the child, taking it as a joke or something the child made up in his/her own imagination about being abused by someone.


If a child wants to tell a lie or create a problem for anyone, he/she can make any excuses, but when a child talks about being abused. It means serious and one should not take it lightly, instead should take direct action!


Talking to your child is the best way to gain his/her confidence, having a little chat with your child about how he/she spent his/her day at school and about his/her friends is the best way to know about your child's daily routine.


If your child doesn’t want to go out with someone, even if that person is a close one, don’t force him/her to go.


Don’t blame your child if he/she is abused or tries to be bossy or strict with him/her. After all, remember your child is the victim, not the culprit.


Check your child’s behaviour, if from a fun-loving child, suddenly your child has turned silent and preferences his/her own company then that’s the biggest green signal to know that something has gone wrong.


Remained your child about ‘Good Touch and Bad Touch’ once in a while and speak to him/her openly about someone, if you have any doubts about that person’s behaviour towards your child, because sometimes, a child is too confused about how to put the right word if he/she is been abused, so as a parent, you have to make him/her come out of the shell.


Don’t control your child, remember too much of controlling can make your child scared of you and be around someone who could be a devil in human form. Treat your child as a human being and not an object.


Even animals don't leave their babies until they are good enough to hunt on their own, so why are humans so careless about their own? First try not to leave your child all alone, unless you’re sure about his/her safety. Keep an eye on your child until he/she can take care of their own.


A lone and alone child is the first open gate to Child Abuse, so take care of your child before it’s too late and remember, behind your child’s silence there could be pain.


Raise your voice against anyone who commits child abuse, no matter how close that person is to you or how powerful.


Stand Up Against Child Abuse! 


PS: My latest book 'Creak' speaks about Child Abuse and Crime Against Women and Children.





  1. thats some hard and seldom expressed truth...

  2. Hi,

    Not to forget CHILD ABUSE is happening all over the world and is spreading like CANCER and AIDS! As HUMANS its our duty to SAVE A CHILD From CHILD ABUSE and if we can't do this then SHAME on all of us for calling ourselves GOD CREATION HUMANS!


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